
Joel Lubar

QEEG, swLORETA, NeuroNavigator,
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Advanced Topics

December 5, 2020
Thanks to all who attended!

Recording available. Please inquire at

Outline of Workshop:
1.     Understanding the diffusion tensor and diffusion tensor imaging:
Diffusion tensor tractography is a mathematically-based procedure for being able to trace the origin, movement, and destination of a large number of tract systems in the white matter of our brain which originates and ends in pools of neurons in the gray matter. One example is the left frontal aslant tract which involves connections between Broca's area involved in speech fluency and portions of the sensory and motor cortices and anterior cingulate. In some individuals who experience stuttering this track system may be affected and when damaged by traumatic brain injury can lead to stuttering. This is just one example of the large number of tract systems that have been clearly traced through anatomical postmortem dissections over the past 100 years. With diffusion tensor tractography these systems can be traced with considerable accuracy in the living human brain and evaluated when there has been traumatic brain injury or other types of structural damage within the white matter. Dr. Lubar will present in an easy to understand manner what a tensor is and how it can be used to trace white matter pathways in the brain. In the more than a 450-page treatise " A Connectonic Atlas of the Human Cerebrum" the authors, most of whom are neurosurgeons, illustrate diffusion tensor-based connections across 180 different areas of the brain in order to illustrate their importance in mapping out neurosurgical procedures in order to minimize damage to these tracts
2.     Illustration with attendee participation of LORETA phase shift, phase lock, phase slope index (effective connectivity):
These measures are important in terms of allocation and utilization of resources important for complex cognitive functions. Even IQ is related to the duration of phase shifts, and phase locks between different regions of the brain associated with specific networks such as dorsal attention, executive function, salience, virtual attention, and others. How they are measured will be illustrated. As well, differences in phase angle measurements for different frequencies between either different surface regions or areas visualized through LORETA can be easily translated into milliseconds of transmission time between them. I will illustrate what phase shift in phase lock look like both in terms of surface measures and Brodmann area measures. For those that have the phase lock in phase shift Z score measures in NEUROGUIDE, the specific button presses will be shown to visualize these parameters. Others can watch as these features are illustrated.
3.     Evaluation of raw EEG for epileptiform activity and its identification in QEEGs and LORETA time domain capture with attendee participation.
For those that have the time domain capture component either in regular LORETA or NeuroNavigator, Dr. Lubar will illustrate directly how one can isolate specific events in the raw EEG such as paroxysmal discharges, individual spikes, or polyspikes, and slow waves, as well as other features that are associated with epilepsy. These features are sometimes referred to as electrographic seizure activity which may or may not be associated with either overt convulsions or other epileptic-based manifestations that the patient may be aware of. The use of time domain capture can be useful to isolate specific abnormalities associated with traumatic brain injury. The time domain capture can be very helpful to illustrate the localization of abnormal activity and can be presented to a neurologist or neurosurgeon when one is referring a patient for more detailed evaluation.

Advanced level

Location: Wherever you want


Joel Lubar, PhD, BCN, QEEGD received both his B.S. and Ph.D. from the Division of the Biological Sciences and Department of Biopsychology at the University of Chicago. He has published more than 125 papers, authored numerous book chapters and eight books in the subject areas of neuroscience and applied psychophysiology. He is also a sought-after editor, currently serving as one of the editors of the Journal of Neurotherapy. He has held the positions of Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester and Full Professor at the University of Tennessee, where he continues on as a professor emeritus. He is a past president of ISNR and AAPB, is a BCN-EEG senior fellow, is a licensed psychologist, a qEEG diplomate and is listed in the National Register of Health Care Providers in Psychology. He is invited to speak and present regularly at international workshops, seminars and congresses. Dr. Lubar's early work was responsible for developing the use of EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) as a treatment modality for children, adolescents and adults with ADHD. Currently, more than 1500 healthcare organizations use the EEG biofeedback protocols that Dr. Lubar has developed.

  • APEd reserves the right to cancel any course 10 days prior to the start date if registration is below 4

  • Registration cancelations between 30 and 15 days prior to the start of the course result in a 75% refund

  • Registration cancelations 15 days prior or less than the start of the course result in a 50% refund

Target attendees include:
Psychotherapists                                           Physicians
Psychiatrists                                                    Educators
Social workers                                                Graduate students                                
Nurses                                                                Undergraduate students
Mental health practitioners                       Marriage & Family Therapist

APEd is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. APEd is also committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them. Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Cynthia Kerson